There’s no denying that emoticons are a universal way to express your emotions. They are fun, easy to understand and keep everyone engaged. But when should you make smiley face surveys? To be more precise, when are they appropriate?
Simply put, you can’t just add emojis to every survey you want. If you are looking to conduct a short, fun survey in an informal way to get responses and keep your audience engaged at the same time. Smiley face surveys can be a great option to achieve the desired results.
However, adding emoticons might not be a wise choice if you are conducting an extensive survey with lots of formality.
Continue reading to discover when to add emojis to your surveys and how it can escalate your response rate.
What Is A Smiley Rating Scale?
In essence, the smiley face rating scale is a question type that gauges satisfaction using emoji facial expressions. In a survey, using a smiley face rating scale is faster and easier to understand than using written alternatives.
Respondents simply choose the most relatable visage that accurately captures their feelings. This enables you to obtain helpful information swiftly.
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Why Create Smiley Face Surveys?
Apart from making your surveys easy to comprehend, smiley face surveys are a little bit different from traditional surveys that offer open-ended questions.
Here are some of the benefits of such surveys:
1. They Help You Gather Information Fast.
Because no reading is required, these surveys help you instantly determine what your respondents feel. This also allows respondents to take a break from reading the text and just answer the question based on their emotions.
2. They Are Easy To Respond to.
The best way to improve survey response rates is to make them short. And adding emoticons can be the perfect way to keep your surveys easy to respond to and crisp.
3. Emoticons Are Universally Recognized.
Suppose you are required to conduct a global survey. If you use smiley faces in your survey, you wouldn’t have to worry about being culturally appropriate as they are universally accepted.
4. They Help Enhance The Response Rate.
Because smiley face surveys are easy to fill, short and engaging, they often have a high response rate.
5. They Improve Customer Loyalty.
A smiley face survey is a perfect way t gather insights on customer satisfaction and make your customers feel valued. Also, keeping these surveys short shows that you care about their satisfaction as well as their time.
When To Use Smiley Face Surveys?
The use of smiley face rating scales in surveys can be highly beneficial in a variety of situations. Common instances include:
Busy Locations
Suppose you’re going to make respondents read your answer selections rather than choose from clear-to-view pictures like emojis. In that case, you should avoid any heavy foot traffic areas where people are continuously on the go and unlikely to respond to your survey.
If you need rapid feedback from your consumers, include a smiley-face survey question in your email signature so they may efficiently respond from their inbox.
Although some users may find popups bothersome, asking for feedback with a colorful smiley face may be more effective rather than a plain text-only question.
When you use emojis and other visual content in your survey question, you’ll increase the likelihood that younger people will respond. It’s because they’re more appealing and engaging than regular text.
Language Barriers
Emojis and smileys are helpful when communicating with people who speak different languages than you. In addition to being multilingual and easy to comprehend, emojis increase the chance that your survey question will be answered.
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Where Can You Use Smiley Face Surveys?
Here are some of the use cases where you can add emoticons to your surveys.
To Determine Customer Satisfaction.
Smiley surveys are incredibly successful for measuring your client satisfaction because of how simple and straightforward they are to use. In fact, a smiley survey question is frequently included in CSAT surveys to determine how satisfied respondents are with a given product, service, or brand.
To Update The Website Experience.
You can rapidly gauge the quality of the experience visitors are experiencing on your website by using a smiley face rating scale in an online survey. Website layout and usability are particularly important factors to observe.
To Measure An App’s Experience.
From the moment they join up, through onboarding, and until new features are added. Using smiley faces can really assist you in grasping how your app’s users are feeling.
To Gather Post-Transaction Experience Information.
A smiley face survey is an excellent approach to gathering the client’s opinion soon after the transaction. At the same time, it’s still fresh in their memories, given the variety of consumer interactions with a firm. You can learn more about the type of experience your clients had throughout these purchases by using smiley face questionnaires.
To Gather On-Premise Feedback.
Smiley surveys are a quick and practical way to get feedback from your consumers on your own property when used in conjunction with a Kiosk application.
Create Smiley Face Surveys On SurveyPoint
Whether you want to create surveys for your team or want to design surveys with smiley faces, a premium subscription to SurveyPoint can help you meet all your expectations.
The platform allows you to choose from several pre-made templates and customize your surveys according to your brand aesthetics. You can also access all the features easily with the help of a highly interactive dashboard.
And once you are done with building the surveys, you can either embed the survey on your website or circulate it through emails from the platform itself.
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